This does NOT guarantee you a place in the crew. This simply puts in a request for a
position and sends me info on your character.
If there is no room, I will let you know AND keep your information on file so if there is
an opening by the next mission or if I start another sim, I can contact you.
Or if you prefer simply choose the department you wish to join
and we will fit you into that department if a position is available
if you select the "other" department please make sure you define the position in
one of the boxes below
Please tell me a little bit about your character:
Please provide any comments or additional information about your character:
What is your previous SIM experience?
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this information. This form will be processed
and sent via subspace to Captain Helms ASAP. You can expect a reply within 24 - 48 hours
and it will include information introducing yourself to the sim as well as the current
copy of the mailing list you can receive the logs as well as requests for any corrections
to be made.
But for me to get this info, you need to click the send button below. Make it so.
Click here to dispatch this info via subspace to The
Click here if you need to clear this form and redo it.